
Friday, May 13, 2011

When Blogger goes tits up...

...she goes all out! If you're reading this, then we can finally make new posts. Woohoo!

According to Blogger, they had to delete all posts that were published after about 7:30AM Wednesday. In other words, everyone's HNT posts this week... They are slowly getting them back up, but it really put a kink in everyone's day! Keep checking back to see if the "I'm up!"s have come back. I know there were a handful of people who tried to post later Thursday without success, so hopefully there will be some new ones to check out as well.

Let's just consider this weekend to be HNWE, rather than just Thursday!

HOLY COW!! I just noticed that I'm just a hair over 300 visitors short of hitting 1,000,000!! I might have to come up with a prize of some sort!


  1. Yep it ate my HNT.. I have had issues with blogger for 3 days it only took me 3 tries to even get it to post right.. grrr..

  2. Now I see. I didn't post an HNT, but I noticed that a lot were missing. Now this explains it.

  3. I'm FINALLY up.
    stupid blogger.

  4. Mine was there, then not there, then came back again. So I am up (again).

  5. Back up again, but all the comments were lost. So if you were kind enough to comment before I had a chance to reply then I apologise. Feel free to take amnother peek and comment again!

    Could this be a Half Nekkid Saturday?

  6. My HNT post is back again, but all the nice comments are gone... :-( Australian swimwear

  7. Thanks for the MG spot Os! You rock. Blogger was a bitch, but the thought really is what counted. xoxoxoxo

  8. Happy belated B-day to the mystery guest!

    Since we're not on Blogger we were up on Thursday as usual; but we couldn't post a comment to let everyone know. We visited some of the regulars and saw their HNT posts before they disappeared; but Blogger was already in read-only mode and we couldn't comment.

    P.S. Congratulations on 1 million visitors.

  9. Ah, the joys of independence!

    And I was visitor number 1,000,0013. If only I hadn't done that extra sun salutation, I might have been the 1 millionth :)
