
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Nashville Brush with Fame

When in Nashville, one never knows when you might run into someone famous. Or somewhat famous. Or maybe someone who was an extra in a Brad Paisley video. Well, we did!

Summer was an extra in Paisley's newest video, "American Saturday Night"! Sort of a quirky video--a mix of 2-dimensional people in a 3-dimensional virtual world. As far as I can tell, Summer can be seen in 3 different parts, two of which I got screen captures of. She's also in a toga party scene, but you can only see people from the back in that one. The video is below the screen shots.

Did I get her autograph? Nope. Screwed up in that regard. It was just cool to be in the presence of someone almost famous!


  1. almost famous, almost rich... sigh.

  2. She is the celebrity blogger afterall :)

  3. HaHa... Os, you crack me up! Thanks for the awesome shout-out. I guess it pays to know the people around here that I know. ;)

  4. Very very cool!

    I love Brad....
