
Monday, January 04, 2010

Fun in Nashvegas!

I think I'm stealing someone's wireless around here, so I'll throw this post up while I can. Met up with 4 other current/former HNTers here in Nashville. Between the timing (so close to the holidays), the cost for out of towners (nothing's cheap here), and a bit of the nasty cold weather (well, nasty cold for here), the larger group of people just didn't happen. But this was nice, as we were able to have real conversations! And a plus--what happens in Nashvegas, stays in Nashvegas!

M, Chad, Me, Summer, 13 Messages

M and I went to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's final concert of the season last night. Great seats, but no way to take decent pics. More to write about that when I have better access...

I'm heading home tomorrow night, but looks like I'll still get to meet up with one more friend during my layover. I'm very excited about that! I probably won't get on here again until HNT. I'm able to check up on you from my fancy new phone, so I'm not totally missing civilization! Hope you all had a safe NYE!


  1. AM JEALOUS!!!!!

    Looks like you had a great safe traveling home!

  2. It was great to meet you guys. Os, I hope you have a safe trip home. Here's hoping I get to make it out to the great Pacific Northwest sometime soon.

  3. Look at Mr. "I'm shy" 13messages with his arm around Summers waist!

    Glad to hear that you all got to meet up and had a good time!

  4. Looks like lots of fun :)

  5. I had an awesome time with you and the group. Thanks for coming out to our cute little city. :)

    Next time, we'll hog tie YoJ and make her show up!
