
Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Good Day for HNT

It's been sort of a weird day today. Didn't get any decent sleep all night. I got to bed sometime past 1 AM. Then the phone kept beeping at me. Either mid-night phone calls or Facebook alerts (wonder what I did--I never get FB alerts on my phone...). The last one came right around 5:30 AM(thanks, Biscuit!), and by that time, the sun was almost coming up, so I figured I'd just stay up.

What a great morning! Spent about three hours working on this music transcription for the symphony, fixed a little breakfast (I never eat breakfast), and got to work a little bit early! I might have to start getting up early on a regular basis!

Work was fairly busy, but I also got in some good chat time, and that's always fun! Also got a beer drinking date firmed up for next week!

Came home to work on HNT/OHNT, and got an unexpected phone call from someone I hadn't talked to in a long time. She was on the road and wanted some company, and I was more than happy to provide it! Reminded me how nice it is to hear a voice, rather than just read words...

What does any of this have to do with my HNT? Absolutely nothing. This is just a bit of Photoshop experimenting. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!

"I been all around this great big world
And I seen all kinds of girls
Yeah, but I couldn't wait to get back in the States
Back to the cutest girls in the world.

I wish they all could be California

I wish they all could be California
I wish they all could be California girls..."

OK--not very good with the clues. I know she used to live in NYC. And she doesn't live in the US at the moment. But she could certainly pass as a California Girl! Don't get hyper--I'll be revealing her Thursday afternoon. But be sure to stop by if you think you know who it is before then!
Some of you figured this one out right away! The MG this week is HyperSexualGirl! Be sure to stop by and check out some other shots from this shoot!

A little bit of something for everyone over at "...the Other HNT"! Be sure to stop by and check out your fellow HNTers! NSFW, as always!

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