
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Too Early HNT

I'm not one who really suffers from nightmares or scary dreams of any sort. I do have some recurring dreamscapes, recurring characters, and/or recurring themes, but nothing that I would consider scary, by any means. However, I find that I get fairly restless when I have them. I wake up tired (or wake up alot during the night), grumpy (who could tell?), my eyes can't focus for about an hour, bright lights bother me, but I always maintain my good looks! Need the evidence? This HNT was taken literally 30 seconds after getting out of bed Tuesday morning. I was going to make some sort of comment about the bedhead, but what's up with the bedbeard???

A white shirt...

Masculine or feminine...



With red lipstick or bow tie...

So tempting...

Nothing underneath...

Buttons to undo...

Bare skin to reveal...

Come back on Thursday afternoon to find out who our MG is!
The lovely MG this week is Amy from over at "Sex, Chocolate and Red Lipstick"! Stop by to see another picture from this series!

A nice crop of pictures (and newbies!) over at "...the Other HNT"! Be sure to stop by and check them out! NSFW (but for the most part, not quite as NS as recent weeks...). Be free with the comment love!
I have that "Honesty Scraps" thing that's been making the rounds yet to do. Tagged by two different people on that! I'll get that up as soon as I can!
The big gig is Friday night. Definitely a nervous excitement in the air! Mix in a bit of symphony week activity, and I'm good to go for the next 10 days! Hopefully will have some pictures from the gig!

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