
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Well, another week of symphony hell has come and gone, and the realization that I tend to zone out the rest of the world when that happens. Things I've missed out on this past week:

  • I always thought it would be Ginger--Not sure why this just came out last week, since it happened last month (last Oct., actually), but Dawn Wells, Gilligan's "Mary Ann", was caught in Idaho with pot. She was sentenced last month. Go here to get the details.

  • Did anyone else realize that Easter is next weekend?? How the hell did that happen??
  • I know it's been sort of nice out, but I noticed that some tulips near the door to my apartment complex have started to peek out of the ground. Just a matter of time before the deer find them...
  • Friendships are delicate things. Even the strong ones.
  • March Madness starts up this week. I don't even know who's seeded in each bracket, let alone who's been #1 all season. Men or women. Any division. I have totally ignored college basketball this season, and don't miss it in the least!
  • Apparently the Pope declared that St. Patrick's Day celebrations should occur last Friday, so they wouldn't happen during Holy Week.
  • Good thing I found that out, so that I wouldn't have headed down to Butte for the annual parade/drunkfest.

"They" are tearing down my old elementary school, where I spent 3rd-6th grades. It used to be the Catholic high school when my dad attended (Cathedral High, home of the "Greenies"--that was really their team name...). I'm not sure why they're taking their time in bringing it down, but it means that I might be able to get some pictures. Just seeing some of the exterior walls torn down has brought back a flood of memories. Unfortunately, since we're talking over 40 years ago, they're mostly in black and white...
Found out that both my parents are sick now (no, not my fault). Dad's got pneumonia and Mom has asthmatic bronchitis. Apparently one of my sisters stopped by yesterday and Mom wouldn't even let her in the house. Not sure what this will do to the weekend plans.
Some more national recognition for the symphony. Alex Ross, who is the music critic for The New Yorker, picked up on the article in Symphony that I mentioned in my prior post. He made note of it on his blog, which is highly read by the artsy-fartsy types. It's just a small post, but any press is good press!
Is anyone else excited for the premier of "In Plain Sight" with Mary McCormack on the USA Network? Whew!
I will be at O'Toole's in the morning at 8:00 AM for the first green beer, resuming my string of "first beers" over the years. I'll try to take pics!

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