
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Odds and Ends

Unless someone steps up to the plate, this week's Mystery Guest will be the last. I'm out of submissions. Hate to see it come to an end, but it's sort of up to you guys!
While you're here, I should give my regular pitch for pics for the anonymous site!
The 5th Annual Boobie-thon is coming up quickly. I'll be posting more about it later!
Some of you have missed it, but the OsShirt has its own site. Follow the exploits of the luckiest shirt in blogdom...
Gas is down to $2.51/gallon up here. I know that many of you are paying less, and we've still got a long way to go, but it still feels good. Isn't that sad?
Something shocking for you--I opened a symhony meeting on Friday by telling them that I was fully prepared to resign at that moment. The absurd amount of time that it takes; the even more absurd amount of money that I get paid for it (not in a good way); the expectations, demands and deadlines based on the fickleness of classical "musicians"; the frustration of not doing my job as well as it should be done because of the flakiness of others--all this had me convinced that I would leave the meeting no longer working for them. Well, I was talked out of it, some concerns were aired, and possible solutions to help out were discussed. I hate it when it gets to this point before people acknowledge that there's problems.
Michelle and I have taken some time off away from each other, but we'll be back at it soon!

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