
Thursday, May 11, 2006

HNT and the "Y" Chromosome

Again, before I we get started here, AN ANNOUNCEMENT! Friday, May 19th will mark the 1st Anniversary of Half-Nekkid Thursday! For HNT that week, I want to see two pictures. One picture needs to be a rerun of your very first HNT submission. Regardless of whether you just got started, or were around back in the dark ages. The second picture should be one of you in anniversary celebration mode. Streamers, balloons, confetti, etc. would be appropriate! For those of you who celebrated early, thanks, but come up with something else for next week!
Something a little bit new with HNT here in Back Row. Usually it's alot of feminine half-nekkidness around here with the Mystery Guest, "...the Other HNT", or especially for The Collection. However, tonight the testosterone level is going to be a little higher than normal. The MG is male, and there's a male presence over on the anonymous site. Ladies, I hope you appreciate the fact that I'm taking care of you!

This week and next mark the final Symphony "hell weeks" of the season. Not so bad this time around, but still alot of tension. I didn't have time to come up with anything wonderful, so I've resorted to the last of the cruise ship bathroom mirror pics. Sort of artsy-fartsy, with the close-up image of the bottom of the mirrored door, and a goof (me) in the fuzzy background. As I've said in the past--I can't be "on" all the time! Besides, I'm planning ahead to next week!

This particular gentleman has been doing HNT since around Christmas. He even gifted me a bottle of good Scotch! He's got alot of pics on his own site--a little bit of something for both the boys and the girls! He was the first male to submit a picture to be Mystery Guest, and the first male to hold that esteemed position. I haven't heard from him about revealing himself, so check back to see if he does. If you think you know who it is, stop by his place and say hi!
This week's Mystery Guest is the wise and all-knowing Professor Fate! He was out of the country, so he didn't even know he was up. So to speak. Stop by and thank him!

Be sure to check out "...the Other HNT"! You're really missing out if you haven't been by there yet!
As alway--Mystery Guest pictures are always welcome!
Some of the early posters who can't comment tonight are Mia, Vampire Kitti, Aughra, Boo and Sunny Delight.
As always, please turn of your word verification for the day!

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