
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Feet HNT

Many things to touch on for this post. My sincere apologies for the James Bond/not James Bond post. The link is one that I had seen years ago, and inadvertently run across again. After feeling gross and icky for an hour after leaving it, I figured it was something that needed to be shared with my friends! If you haven't seen it, enter at your own risk!

Lecram has announced something exciting. Preparations are underway to feature HNT as an Art Exhibit at the 2006 Rogue Performance Festival! (March 2-11). There's a concept! HNT as art! This will take place in San Francisco, and will be interactive! It is strictly going to be done on a voluntary basis, so don't think you're going to unexpectedly see your half-nekkid self on the news! This is a huge thing in the Bay Area, and receives nation-wide coverage. For more details, go to his site and read his announcement.

We had some early-birds who asked that I mention them: Kaniki, Arbusto, **Kristy**, Boo and SassyGirl. Be sure to check them out. Also come back late Thursday or Friday and check out the people who posted late (usually alot of newbies, too!). It would do their hearts good!

Go get yourself listed on the Frappr map over there in the sidebar!

Mo, the Cracked Southern Belle, started a project last fall that sort of fell by the wayside. She wanted to collect 100 pictures of feet. I don't know why. I didn't ask. I'm a little scared to ask. But while she made great strides (so to speak) in August, things have slowed considerably. She's got a specific website set up for this--The Very Bottom, where you can see others feet (with some great ideas!), and find the contact info to send in yours. So if you have pictures of your feet that you'd like to send her, please do! It is in that spirit (I've already submitted fully nekkid feet) that I offer my half-nekkid feet here. Play safe. Play nice!

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