"O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Much pleasure thou can'st give me;
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Much pleasure thou can'st give me;
How often has the Christmas tree
Afforded me the greatest glee!
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!
Much pleasure thou can'st give me."
-the fairly unknown 2nd verse (out of 4!) to "O Christmas Tree"

- Rupert Brooke
Carry me to bed
place me between the sheet
warm me with your heat
Make dizzy my head.
This week's Mystery Guest will be revealed Thursday afternoon. Be sure to come back and find out who it is!
I have missed you all so very much. Know I am well, not perfect, but well. I hold each and everyone of you dear still and the impact you each had on my life is not forgotten. Through you all I found me- something I had been seeking for years. The changes that occurred in the years we were together is evident both inside and out. I wish I could post a full before and after picture, you would be shocked at the result. Remember, each of you have the power within you. Just hold fast in your desires and convictions and be daring enough to try, even if you face opposition. Happiness is attainable- just not easy. ~BFD~
Another good crop of pics over at "...the Other HNT" this week. Go leave some Christmas cheer (or at least some nice comments) for your fellow HNTers! Of course, it's NSFW!
- Only two more HNTs left! Be sure that you give next week's some attention NOW! It's easily the most difficult theme of the year!
- Dec. 22nd - Three Christmas Wishes HNT - Perhaps the hardest theme of the year. Pick three individuals to send special Christmas wishes to. The hard part? Pick three people who are not necessarily someone you'll be sending a Christmas card to, or an e-card, or specifically contact at Christmas.Those people might expect something from you. No, send out your Christmas wishes to someone you've only lurked at, or to a newbie, or to someone whose HNTs and/or general blog posts have made some sort of impression. And post a picture of it, too! It can be serious or humorous or heartfelt or fantasy. Then contact that individual to let them know that they got one of your wishes. (For example, I remember that my very first year of this I wished for two bags of fairy dust for one person, a wish for another HNTer's husband's swimmers to impregnate her (she had a baby exactly 9 months later--I did good on that one!), and a big stick with nails for a third one to beat me with as I had somewhat trampled on our friendship. You can see this post here, or check out the other mid-December posts from my archives.) Good luck with this one. It's tougher than it sounds, so start thinking about it now!
Six years ago to the day, I started out on my very first OsTour. Driving to Nashville, TN, to follow the Saints on their NAIA football championship repeat (#4 at the time, as I remember). Driving through South Dakota in a blizzard, which is truly the only way one should drive through SD (gosh, what an ugly state!). Stealing internet from the Taco John's parking lot in Rapid City. Forty-eight hours from meeting my first group of HNT friends. Hardly seems that long ago. If you're interested at all in reading about it, you can do that here. It's best if you start from the bottom and work your way up. And be sure to click the pics. No extra pictures to see--it just bigs 'em. (just perused the site--what a great time we had!)
I mention all of that because that same football team will be playing for their SEVENTH national championship this weekend. But this time in Rome, GA. If any of you are nearby, feel free to go to the game and cheer for me!
up...with my naveed
Yours is a proper Christmas Tree HNT! Unlike mine. But hey, I make do with what I have.
Happy HNT!
Cheeky Minx is all lit up! Go see!
I'm not normally a big fan of Christmas time, but hey, I stil managed to stick to the theme.
I'm UP with Jas, exchanging gifts. ;)
I do not have a HNT on my blog today but I do have a post that I would sooo appreciate everyone taking the time to read and comment. I opened my blog back up specifically for this post. (It's important, and an update)
Merry HNT! Were Up!!
Love your tree, Os – very colourful. We’re up – hope you like our tree - we worked very hard to decorate it!
Hey, can I have some of that sparkly under my tree? ;)
I'm up!! with a variation on the tree theme
~Kazi xxx
Our Christmas tree is up and so are we at Married InOhio.
Hi Os. Festive tree!
I'm up.
What a festive tree!
I'm up getting tangled in tinsel.
Had a hard time sneaking away to post. But I'm up now and in the Christmas spirit
I'll be back to visit you all in the fullness of time. Until then… I'm up and feeling quirky and kinky. Enjoy!
Love, LGS
That is a super bright tree you have there Osbasso, and a mighty Christmas spirit filled hat too.
My tree isn't so fancy, but it exists.
Up with my tree!
Happy HNT!
I'm up, wearing a scarf ;)
Awesome Christmas HNT!!
I'm Up! Merry Christmas!
Home late, but finally here to say that I'm up.
Loving your big tree, mine is only tiny this year! But at least I managed a pic.
HHNT xxx
We're up! Jill's in front of the tree and everything! Come see for yourself at http://frisky916cpl.blogspot.com.
I'm up with my presents.
Nice MG!
I got my tree up
I am up.... with whore red lips and my Christmas tree...
I'm up!
My lights are nothing on yours. You win the sparkle stakes with your fabulous tree and dazzling smile!
Speaking of dazzling, I know your luscious MG. And how her sultry beauty makes me swoon.
Thank you for my upping... ;-)
Happy HNT, Os! (And Happy final Christmas Tree HNT)
I posted a new HNT shot as well as a retrospective of the various Christmas Tree HNT posts I've made since 2005 . . . .
My first time doing HNT. I am up.
I am up :) its been a while but having a baby can zap your body confidence but I'm getting better. I have a cute outfit on.
I talked Lori in joining me for an HNT this week.
After 9 months of not posting, Lori has posted an HNT too. http://rhymeandretro.blogspot.com
I finally made it up! :)
Love your tree Os and MG is very sexy!
up with tree pics. :)
Love how colorful yours is.
Always a pleasure seeing you nekkid. Happy Merry Christmas my friend
I'm back, playing the game, with you my precious friend. Christmas trees and sparkly ball, oh my!
Holy Crap! Its Friday. Dadgumit. I'm a day late. Grrrrr.
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