there's a chance to stand apart.
We can show the world our very best, reveal what's in our heart.
So the story goes and glory never will end,
this inspiration lights the fire within."
This week's Mystery Guest is a blast from the past! She'll be revealed Thursday, so come back to find out who she is!
I doubt there's more than two or three of you who will recognize this MG as Blondie. She hasn't regularly blogged in awhile (thus no link), and subsequently, hasn't HNTed recently either. Other than an occasional OHNT or two! Interestingly, she's revealed more of herself here than she ever did on her own site! Welcome back, Blondie! Wouldn't mind seeing more of you!
Some new "faces" over at "...the Other HNT" this week. Definitely NSFW. But stop by and support your fellow HNTers!
Have you been by to check out the OsShirt site recently? One more stop to write about to get caught up through the summer, then the European stories start!
Spring can't get here too soon. Just sayin'. But did you see that Daylight Saving Time starts in 10 days? What's up with that? Not sure if I'm ready yet. I thought it was the earliest it's ever started, but in 2009, it was on March 8th! How did I miss that???
Update on the prior post...the Catholic Church wasn't beating me down for religious reasons. After all, it's my regular church. Well, as regular as a casual Catholic can claim a church. No...this was just the staff making sure we remembered that we were simply guests in a house of worship, not tenants of a concert hall. Last-minute schedule changes were the way they did that, and all we could do was smile and nod. Expected, but still inconvenient.
A wonderful thing happened to me (and my sisters) yesterday. Not something I'll really get into, but a number of things fell into the right places, and stress levels have decreased considerably. Some decisions need to be made, but there's no real down side to that, either. I love things that happen out of the blue!
I'm up with ten photos...
Happy HNT!
the last known photo of ♀ with long hair!
Wow, love that pic Os!
It's been a while... I'm up.
That's a super cool shot, O's! One of my favorites of you!
I'm up!
V and I show off our new toy at http://libidinousman.blogspot.com/. What's nekkid you ask? The toy of course.
Whatever your happy news is, I'm glad to hear of it. Less stress always rocks.
I love your Mystery Guest's click. She's gorgeous.
I'm up. Have a great rest of the week.
Jobthingy is continuing to show off her newest shiny thing!
Hey baby. Very cool pic there. Happy news is awesome!!! I'm up sweetie!!
Great picture!
I'm up!
Love the pic! I'm up. HHNT, everyone. :)
Trippy Picture. Were up. Happy HNT everyone.
I am surprised, but I think I know who the MG is!
Catholic church is good at putting you in your place, aren't they? They made sure each and every person participating in my wedding was so completely uncomfortable I had to practically give them a pep talk to stay in the ceremony.....
I am up with a new pic- no archived left overs even.
Love the title of this post! ;)
I'm up. New series.
Wow! What a neat pic. Love it.
I'm up.
Wonderful news and a crazy, cool shot? Sometimes, life is so good.
Gorgeous MG.
I'm up.
Inconvenience, now matter how its tendered is rather annoying.
Great pic though Os, very creative.
I'm UP revealing more about myself than I have in the past (face included!!)...
Happy HNT! I'm Up!
Mrs D x
Fabulous photo! Creative!
Happy HNT I'm up!
happy HNT!
I am up.
Happy HNT Osbasso and Co! I am on HNT #3 now. Hope everyone is having a skin-fabulous day :-)
Oooh I like it! More please!
I'm up.
What a cool and unique picture Os! I am SO ready for spring and sick of winter...
MG looks like she is *having* a blast :)
I'm up @ the cavern...
Very cool SFX! I'm up.
Glad to hear that the church wasn't beating you down for religious reasons.
It's almost getting to the point where we're on DST the entire year.
We are up at Married In Ohio.
(For some reason, I could not comment using OpenID.)
I'm up, with a new theme!
Obasso, love the water glass pic!
Um. I love that pic! That is so cool!
That is all.
Your photo is fantastic and yes, please experiment some more. :)
MG is absolutely lovely.
(Sigh) I certainly understand the challenges of performing in a place of worship. Though I sometimes wonder if they ever thought of the challenges before they asked/agreed to you playing there.
Congrats on whatever the stress reduction is. Those are time to be savored.
And yes, I'm up on Ivey Lane!
fantastic HNT Os.! So happy good things are happening.
Don't you wish it was that easy to get thin again, sigh.
I'm up with our first dip in the hot tub this year.
We're back and we're up!
Got to love when serendipity hits it's stride!
Am up with a pic....happy HNT
Slightly late in announcing due to having a naughty 4some but I'm up
HHNT xxx
I'm up finally!
love YOUR pic with the water glass
that is all
I'm back, and I'm classy.
That pic is AWESOME!!
I'm up...forgot to stop by this morning. Oops. :)
Glad to hear the stress is down.
As usual I HNTed all over my blog today....oops....
Less stress is best! Cool water pic Os.
Happy HNT to all, albiet it a bit late.... I'm up too!
I love your picture!
And what a lovely MG you had too!
I've actually been up - just not been able to get here until now.
Such a fabulous shot OS, haha.. made me giggle and then wish I'd thought of it. Also a great title for an HNT. Very nice indeed.
Beautiful MG!
(FYI.. I've decided not to play any more, at least for a while, but I'll definitely be back visiting most weeks.)
LGS xx
What a fun effect :) Could this be the Os of the future... ;P
I'm really late to tell you but I am up! x
I just came back to see who your beautiful MG was. Blondie is very stunning indeed. I'm just sad that there's no blog to link to.
Have a great rest of your week.
oh dang I had MG wrong- a beauty indeed
Awesome picture hun!
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