There's so much I could write that would bore you to tears, but I wanted to say something. I opted for reposting the one I did for his birthday/Father's Day from 2006. Adjust the years, but everything else is just the same...

Yes, this is Dad, and today is his 72nd birthday. Since it's close to Father's Day, I'll take care of business here, too. This man has supported me through thick and thin. He hasn't always understood the paths I've chosen over the years, but he's never tried to interfere. He worked very hard at his dental practice to put 4 kids through college, and still have enough money left over to spend 3 months/year in Hawaii for the past dozen years or so (my inheritance going right down the tubes there....). He's been married to the same woman for almost 49 years. He's bailed me out of jail, not when I was a teenager, but in my mid-30's. He's survived 2 major heart attacks within 2 months of each other. That was 9 summers ago. He used to smoke like a chimney, but quit cold turkey after the first attack. He will give you the shirt off his back. I have never heard a negative word said about him. He's been strong through some adversity, but cried like a baby when his mother-in-law died. He is on a variety of blood thinning meds that make his face purple. And if you look at his arm funny it will bruise. He's got two new knees, will be getting a new hip this winter. He still plays 18 holes of golf about 4 times/week. He has made peace with the fact that I will probably not be carrying on the family name. And he's glad that his daughters were fertile.Finally, the picture below on the left is from 4 years ago in Miami. Both of us were a bit bigger than we are now. And the one with my mom is from last month on her birthday. The last night anyone got pictures with him. You can really tell a difference in his look. Even moreso in the family picture from last Friday. There's not much more to say. He's gone, but he'll never be "gone". Gonna miss him, though.
He is the greatest man I have ever known. Perhaps that's why it hurt so badly when two of my bloggerfriends lost their fathers unexpectedly this spring. I wish you guys had the chance to see your dads in your later years. I don't take it lightly that Dad saw the "light" when he was on the table for the second heart attack. I cherish the golf we still get to play together and the family dinners with all of us. So Happy Father's Day (early), and Happy Birthday! I love ya, Dad!

In the spirit of the season, please consider making a donation to her efforts. It doesn't take much. She's not asking for even $20 from anyone. Small donations of $1 or $5 add up quickly, and that's what she's looking for. Of course any amount will make a difference. You can find a PayPal donation button on her Toys For Tots page sidebar, so it's no work at all. Click, type a handful of keystrokes, and help her make the day of a number of disadvantaged youth. She's not expecting as good a turnout as she had last year due to the economy. Let's prove her wrong, OK? It's almost the Christmas season, and no kid should go without a new toy.
There's a definite turkey theme going on over at "...the Other HNT" this week. Feel free to go back for seconds, but be sure to leave some comments for your hosts!
Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving! Especially those of you having to travel. Enjoy the "enhanced security" groping if you're lucky enough to have to go through the procedure!! And for those of non-American persuasion...hope you have a good weekend too!
And for everyone...if you get the chance to hug your parents today, be sure to do it. OK?
I'm up with a friend...
Happy HNT!
peace and best wishes
i'm up with the gobbler!
happy thanksgiving everyone...
Your sentiments about your Father are truly touching Os. No one can take away from you the times you shared together, and the memories that remain. I wish you and your family all the best.
I'm UP as the "Lover"
So sorry about your Dad, Oz. You're right, he'll never really be gone. He'll always be with you.
I'm up. Hope you will be with your family for Thanksgiving.
xoxoxoxoxoxo and (((hugs)))
Os, I'm SO very sorry about your father. You are in my thoughts. I hope your Thanksgiving is full of wonderful memories of him.
(and I'm up)
So sorry for you loss Obasso.
Voluptuous Vixen and I are up with a special HNT for our American friends.
Gobble Gobble!
I raise a glass and toast to your Dad.
Not much more I can say..
I'm up with a 3 weeks post baby body shot :)
Early early and I'm up.
As usual I'll visit you all later.
LGS xx
I can't say what I would like to express....... *hugs*
I"m up. Happy Thanksgiving!
My thoughts are with you and your family. What you write and share of your father truly is touching.
Your dad seems like he was an amazing guy. As always, my thoughts and love are with you.
I'm up!
Oh man. Being knocked up means that this news makes me cry like a big sissy. I'm so sorry. *hugs*
At times like these, words always seem so small and inadequate to me. But yours, Os, capture the spirit of your Dad in a way that leaves me moved and breathless. Happy Thanksgiving...
I’m up.
Three years and two months later I still "talk" to my mom. Especially on nights like this when the kitchen is a flurry of activity. I think of your dad and your family as you gather tomorrow to give thanks. Love you!
I'm up.
A snowy HNT .. Happy Turkey day for those who celebrate
Lick it!
I'm up in a video.
What a beautiful post about your dad. He sounded like a wonderful man and I'm sorry for your loss, Os. Sending more ((hugs)) your way. :)
Thanks for posting so much about my Toys for Tots stuff. I appreciate it a lot; you're wonderful.
Happy Thanksgiving. XoXo
Oh Os, I am so very sorry x
Thinking of you and your family, shall say a prayer for you all x
I'm up and have a special birthday request
i wasn't bored to tears in the least. emotional over your loss, yes. bored? not even close! i love that you've had such a fantastic relationship with your father. while i'm certain it makes your heart ache to tell us all about the events of the past week, it's good to share your wonderful memories of him and all he's done for you in life. again, my heart goes out to you my friend.
The always beautiful Ashly Star is looking good up there, and i agree, she's doing something really amazing with that money.
my post is up and has been since last night, but I fell asleep and now i've got to go to work. i sure hope you enjoy your holiday!
What a beautiful tribute to your dad. You're very lucky to have had him in your life. Wishing you the very best!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm up. :)
Once again, big hugs! Very touching post.
Wow. I'm very sorry to hear about your father. I know from reading your blog that he was a very special person and an important part of your life. You will have many memories of him to treasure as a guide in these difficult times.
(I'm up, but promoting HNT seems narcissistic at the moment.)
Trying again.
I never quite manage to find the right words, but I do hope that in time the memories of your good times together will ease the pain of your loss. It's 3+ years since my step-dad passed away. I still miss him, but there's so many stories about him that we laugh about now...
I'm up and getting ready to head out to spend the day with friends eating and drinking and watching football.
Still sending you tons of love and hugs Os.
I'm up with a view from the side :)
HHNT everyone! May you all have a beautiful day
xo Morning Glory
We're up...gobble gobble. Happy Thanksgiving.
I don't know the loss of a parent yet, sigh.... I can't imagine.
I am up with my new URL
Barefoot Dreamer (BFD)
Beautiful post.
Thinking of you today.
I'm up.
Those are great stories about your dad and they make me miss mine even more. Happy Thanksgiving my friend.
I'm up with something "different" that I'm thankful for.
I'm up too. Happy Thanksgiving.
It's really hard to lose a parent. I wish I could say more to ease the pain, but all I know is that they never leave us. They're constantly in our thoughts and you will miss them forever.
I'm also up.
I'm glad you got to hear some great stories. Have a nice Thanksgiving.
(I'm not up, taking the day off!)
Once again, I'm sorry for your loss. This post is a wonderful tribute to your dad.
I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.
It's always a pleasure to see Ashly, she rocks!
I'm up! http://hubmanshangout.com/2010/11/25/hnt-thankful-edition/
Lovely words Os - so sorry to hear about your Dad last week. Sounds like you're holding up well. Have a lovely, stress-free Thanksgiving.
Much love.
LGS xx
You memorialized him so well here, Os.
Such a touching post!
Hugs to you!!
I'm up.
I love this post... everything about it.
We're sorry to hear about your loss, and wish you and your family the best.
We're up for Thanksgiving/Fall
-Melissa and Kevin
So sorry about your dad.
I'm up
Healing thoughts for you and your family.
Also, Here I am (rock you like a hurricane?)
Looks like your dad enjoyed many good times!
Your dad looked like a very happy man.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
so sorry about your dad, my best to you and your family.
i've taken a break form HNT, maybe i'll be back in a few weeks...
So sorry to hear about your lost. I lost my own Dad a little more than a year ago.
We're up (late) for Thanksgiving!
So sorry to hear about your Dad. I recently lost an Uncle and one of my sisters a year ago, so I understand the pain.
New job and new wife, along with my patenting duties have destroyed most of my free time. So I am tardy. I am also sorry for your loss.
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