As the month comes to a close, the chance to take an April shower is quickly passing by, so here you go. I haven't done a shower picture in awhile. And it answers last week's question, too!

I usually get Mystery Guest pictures ahead of time so that I have a chance to go look for a song lyric or poem or quotation that's somehow appropriate for the picture or the MG or their blog. I don't have time to do that this week, since she was late getting it to me (that damned real life always screws things up). So, off the cuff, let me say this about our birthday girl--it's been a pleasure to be able to stay in touch with her for at least four years now. One of the benefits of being around HNT for its almost-five year existence is getting to "meet" literally hundreds of bloggers. A vast majority of them have gone on to other things--either dropping HNT or the entire blogging experience along the way. But every once in awhile, someone from the old days will pop in to be the MG, or they'll send something for OHNT. This MG is one of those. She's a fascinating woman, even though she's gained a reputation as being "the cat lady". During her heyday in the blogs, she wrote about horses and her hubby and sex and cars. She still is passionate about all four! I don't believe that more than a handful of you could possibly know who she is, but I'll reveal her later today (Thursday), along with a hint about where to find more of her! Happy Birthday to one of my all-time favorites! Don't be working too hard today!
This week's birthday girl/MG is the lovely Leela Lamore! Any of you remember her? You can find her over the previous three weeks of OHNT, too (look for the blades of grass)! And if you can't get enough, she was one of the HNTers featured during the HNT 3rd Anniversary Bash (find the button over there in the sidebar). She will probably be the last of the birthday MGs for awhile.
Be sure to check out "...the Other HNT" this week. A lot of submissions this week! As usual...NSFW!
I won't make an official theme alert until next week, but be aware that the 5th anniversary of HNT will be coming up in mid-May. Look for details about what's planned!
Be sure to ask me some questions in my formspring box over there in the sidebar. You can even ask anonymously if you'd like!
Love the shower shot, darlin'.
I am up! HHNT!
I am going with a h(un)nt this week...but there is plenty of skin at my place regardless - come on over (rub my shoulders while you are there if you would)
Os- that is one way to get an April Shower in :)
Wow Os! I'm like the the first one!! Wheeee!!
I'm also a huge fan of the April music festivals and have a music theme this time.
Damn it!! I was sooo close!
Hot and steamy baby.....
I am up and all wet as well!! :)
I like your shower picture. Looks kinda mysterious!
I'm up. Was feeling a bit naughty this week... :D
Great pic Os!!
Hope your MG turns up!
I'm up!
Thanks for the foggy glass.
You will want to check out my HNT with Tara Tainton naked on my new TV. Dude, she looks awesome on the 52" TV.
Well. Can't say I ever thought I'd see a shower shot of you..... LOL ;)
Slightly bummed about MG, hopefully it works out!
I'm up!
ha! i love that youre getting clean and this week im dirteh..
april went so fast didnt it?
Does this mean we'll get to see May flowers?
I am up!
Look at you! Love the shower shot!! :)
I'm up!
Happy HNT!
I went to the beach and have the pics to prove it!
Mines up!
Nice POV from the shower head..!
Happy wet HNT. I'm up and frothing :)
Cool shower shot. I'm up.
You must have some kind of cool shower protector thingie for your camera..that is a badass shot, os..
I am up throwing back a few things ;)
I will ck back for the mystery guest...
Bring on the June flowers - happy HNT - We're up.
amazing shot! how'd you keep your camera dry?
hhnt! I'm up!
i'm up.
and i'm curious what the question was. *lol*
Be sure to stop by to see CbE! she's showing her lips again!
Nice shot, Os!
We're up. Happy HNT, all...
That's a cool shot, hun.
And I am up. With guns.
I like you in the shower!!! I'm up!
Hey, Great minds think alike again, Os. I've always loved the frustrating "I can see you but I can't see you" way people look through foggy shower doors.
My photos this week are shower-related too -- specifically they're about the too-short bathrobes the hotel gave me to get to the down-the-hall bathroom and showers last week.
By the way, I've been under a little pressure to make my blog a little more family friendly, which meant I'd been feeling pressured about HNT posts as well. I've at least partially solved the problem by using filters on my main post. I'm still sorting it all out but you for now you can reach my HNT photos at the following URL. I'm hopeful that I can continue playing.
I hope to have separate newsfeeds for family-friendly and full (frontal) versions up soon.
For now the URL for today's and all my old HNT posts is...
Happy HNT, Os.
Another week, another fabulous photo! Lovin' the steamy shower scene...
I’m up! xx
LOL, the light is shining on my screen so it took a while before I noticed the background image :) We're hoping to avoid April showers but I suspect the year will be as wet as usual.
Im Up with a less common yoga pose - Enjoy! x
I'm up and tied up.
Happy HNT!
Im up, and have a cheeky OHNT pic!
Off to perv at you guys!!
happy HNT x
Bring on those May flowers .. Fooled Around and Fell in Love is up!
Happy HNT Os. We are up with a sexy picture of my thigh-hi's and flogger. :)
Check it out!
Also up, and off to perv at you girls!! (including Heelsnstocking ;-)
Beautiful MG pic by the way!
Miscellaneous Debris
I am glad that you are getting your body clean- I know your mind is a lost cause and the mystery guest is stunning!
The shower shot is amazing. I love how you're hidden in the steam.
I'm up. HHNT!
I'm always afraid of dropping the camera in the shower, you're a brave man.
I'm up.
I'm here... April showers....
Love your shower pic!!!!
xoxo, Crystal
You look very mellow and relaxed in that picture.
I'm up!
Great shower shot.
Fabulous MG.
I'm up!
The mystery guest is incredibly hot! Definitely worth the wait.
We are up at Married In Ohio with an artsy pic and a not so artsy pic. Happy HNT everyone.
Love the shower shot, and the MG is absolutely stunning!!
I'm up and ready and feeling naughty
Happy HNT!
Great shot Os, of both you and your MG. That tattoo is amazing.
Sorry I'm late, but I think its worth it. ;-)
yep.. came back for MG.. totally worth it. WOO!
smokin. happy bday MG
Love the pics today! First time doing HNT & my pic is up!
What's black, white & red all over? Check out my #hnt to find out the answer! ;)
great shower shot.. you're such a man of sexy mystery :-)
Mine is up.. Underthings...
Great shower pic!
This is my LAST HNT (for awhile at least)
Love the misty effect of your shower pic! And your MG is beautiful!
I'm very late to post, but am now UP!
Happy HNT. I'm up! But you knew that already ;)
steamy showers are a weakness of mine! Forgot to stop in and say HHNT and I am up. Beautiful MG!
I'm up with engagement photos
I'm finally up! Took your advice, Os, and snuck off to the bathroom! hehe
Also, I love the steamy shower pic :)
Happy HNT! Got some girlie kissing going on in my blog today, I had to share! :D
*gulp @ MG
Hello! That is a NICE shot!!! Love the Shower scene!!
I'm up!
Like your shower shot but the MG? Whoa!
Happy HNT!
It has been a while for me to post an HNT, but I have for this week.
Happy HNT
clever shower pic, very wet and steamy.
You make me nervous. Damnit.
email me. at yahoo.
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