Thursday, January 07, 2010

Music City HNT

As you might have told from my prior posts, Nashville was a great time! Unfortunately, I appear to have gotten a cold out of the ordeal. Last night didn't help either, as I had to drive back home, after midnight, in the midst of a nasty blizzard. I'm sick, I'm tired, and I have stories to tell. Which will have to wait.

The skyline of Nashville is dominated by the "Batman" building, towering over all below it. At night, its distinctive shape can be seen for miles. I couldn't leave Nashville without showing you!


Bitterly cold. Light snow this evening will give way to some clearing late. Low -6F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 70%. Snowfall around one inch.

A mainly sunny sky. Very cold. High 14F. Winds light and variable.

Tomorrow Night
Clear skies. Cold. Low -3F. Winds light and variable.

This week's Mystery Guest will not be revealing herself. Instead, she'll be working on staying warm. Seems to me that clothing might help...

The new decade over at "...the Other HNT" is starting with a healthier dose of gentlemen than normal. Be sure to go check everyone out! NSFW, of course!
Hope to get back into the swing of things soon. Spending 5 days on the road tends to make things pile up around here. Normal programming will resume shortly!


Anonymous said...

I'm sleepy! And up.

Elle said...

Driving in bad winter weather sucks... Glad you made it back allright, despite the resulting cold!

MG's hot.

I'm up. Fiery red with black lace to start the year with a bang ;)

Sugarmag said...

Yay my comment is the first one unless someone else is leaving one at the same time. Anyway, stay warm...And my post is up.

She's Got An Alter Ego said...

Mine is up :)

Ashly Star said...

I'm up!

Sucks you got a cold but glad you had a good time & made the trip to and from safely!

MG looks lovely, as always.

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

i'm up

the Dark Knight himself would approve of that pic, os!

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

i am up! and awake! and sick as all hell.

MG is smokin!

also Minority Report is up. she left a request for uppage in her comments.

Emmy said...

I'm up!

Love the Batman building! :)
Happy HNT!

Margaret said...

The Batman building is cool!
The MG is beautiful.

And I am up.


Anonymous said...

nothing cold about that MG!

Mines up, pretty much SOS no excitement.

Hope alls well out there in the half nekkid world.

Chickie said...

I'm up! I decided these photos are too good to not share. :)

Glad you had a fun visit & hope the cold leaves soon.

And MG is lovely as always! Happy HNT!

BTExpress said...

I'm up!

Damn guy, that's even colder than here. Weather like that is just not right. I think you need to hibernate for the winter.

Sexie Sadie~ said...

Cool building! And MG is yummy!

I'm up!


Chapter Two said...

you should have posed so that building gave you horns }:)

I am pretty sure I recognize that back (of MG)... always lovely.

I am up and freezing also - clothes would have helped me too.

Anonymous said...

That is the weirdest things about vacations something always follows you home! :)

Hey I'm up everyone!!! AND I have a MALE MYSTERY GUEST! LMBO!!!

Go check it out!

James said...

I'm up!

Vixen said...

Great pic of the Batman building. Click is pretty cool too.... ;)

I'm up!

sqweakygurl said...

ugh! it's negative temperatures like those that make make my love for the west coast grow stronger! lol

lovely pictures by the way

Happy Thursday!

Richard, Shhh... said...

For the first time since October, I'm up on HNT. I actually found something for OHNT too--a first double-post! I have a half-nekkid finished Gangsta-Girlie on my arm & u can rub ur girlie parts there if it appeals to you! I will take her to bed with me in about 15 minutes---Suffer, Bitches!!! HHNT!

boo said...

I'm up, for the first time in a long time. ^_^

Glad you made it home safe Os. The Batman building makes me giggle for some reason. MG has a GORGEOUS back.

13messages said...

It was an absolute honor to meet you. I'm glad you got home safely.

I'm up.

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love that batman building...

YOU are looking great O!!

Am back in black lovey....come on by!!


boo said...

Ok, I'm a goof and didn't take into account that since you changed comment services my HNT wouldn't automagically link.

Anonymous said...

Well, my HNT is up! It's a bit of a big thing for me to post....

pixie said...

buuurr its cold!! this is how pixies stay warm ..

Ms Scarlett said...

I'm up!!

Hope you feel better soon Os! Can't wait to hear your Nash-vegas stories!!

HOT MG!!! Woooooo!


Petal said...

I'm up!

Brrr I cant believe how cold it is there...and here I am complaining about the heat! want some sent your way?

mina said...

What a lovely skyline indeed! HHNT. we are up!

Trixie Fontaine said...

I'm new to HNT, but not blogging (or nudey pics); here's my first contribution:

Dee said...

I'm up, with a new parasol for the new year!

Rouge Parasol HNT.

xx Dee

Anonymous said...

The cold weather you have is heading our way. Honestly, we'd rather that you keep it. Saturday may be the coldest day of the year. And, it's supposed to snow every day for the rest of the week. Definitely not the best weather for outdoor sports. But we are up at Married In Ohio with a football themed post to commemorate the Bengals return to the NFL playoffs.

Happy HNT everyone.

impy said...

Brrr I thnik I like NZ it's much warmer here! Hehe I've never seen the batman building so thanks for sharing :D I'm up.

An Artist Exposed said...

That was quite a year you had Os - hope 2010 is a great one for you.

I'm up...

Maggie said...

Looks like a fun time, can't wait to hear all about it! I'm up!

Scintillectual said...

I'm sick too! No fun!!! Hope you feel better. In the meantime, I've been up since last night...and now I'm going back to bed.

Another Suburban Mom said...

I am glad you had fun in Nashville.

I am up and working hard.

HyperSexualGirl said...

Maybe the plane ride made you sick. Closed air cabins are lovely petri dishes for nurturing illnesses.

I'm up:

Hubman said...

That's a cool looking building! Too bad you caught a cold on your trip though.

I'm up, and inappropriately dressed for snow removal.

Anonymous said...

I'm up, almost didn't make it.

forgingahead said...

My HNT is up at

Polt said...

I'm up!

Happy HNT!

Violet Vamp said...

I'm up, and so was he :)

Cool building! And I like the mystery guest.

Anonymous said...

Hello lovely O - Happy New Year!

Gorgeous MG - wow - great images!

Looking forward to great year of HNT goodness - I'm up :)


Vicky said...

I'm up!


Richard, Shhh... said...

OK, been awhile but I get it now. Come see the girl on my arm:

Joanna Cake said...

What a brilliant building! Id not heard about that one before :) Hope you feel better soon. We have blizzards over here too! Im late to tell you, but I am UP x

Matt said...

Brenda enjoying a private cool blue moment this week... HHNT!

Genevieve said...

Hello. I'm new to comment here. Everyone's entries are all so good! I posted my first HNT if you'de like to visit. Comments welcome. :)

Kallie Grace said...

Posted my first of the year :)


The Smoking Redhead said...

Holy rusted metal Os man, it's the bat cave!

Great photo of you by the way!

Anonymous said...

I am up...come see!

Jake said...

I'm up! Warming up in the bath today ;)

T - Another Geek Girl said...

I haven't seen the Batman building.
That's an awesome pic!

Feel better soon.
Nothing worse than a phlegmy trombone player.

I'm up!

And waiting for snow!

Anonymous said...

Happy HNT Os. We are up with a sexy breast cropping HNT picture this week. Hard to believe we have been participating in this series for almost four years! Thank you for having it. :)

Lila said...

Go, flight.

Patience Ann said...


Anonymous said...

I was just in Nashvegas visiting family!!!! LOOOVE IT!

I'm up. Nothing like posting HNT from the road!


PandaDementia said...

Mine is up. Though there's not much of me in the picture, my heart is in the words.

The Panserbjørne said...

I do love the Batman building. Always cracks me up.

My own contribution for the week is up, featuring me in my milky-white-skin glory. :)

-- PB

frances said...

hi! we're up and ready for the new year.

i'm sure you've heard this before, but you look a bit like Billy Joel to me. (Though actually a lot better looking.) :-D Can you tickle the ivories too? ;-)

viemoira said...

Great shot of the building- now i want to see it in real life! HHNT... we are up..

Kyle said...

Get well soon!

Amber said...

Feel better luv.
I'm up for this week :o)

Anonymous said...

First HNT of 2010 is up! And I've got a lovely guest just like you! That building is awesome by the way :)

---Amy xxxx

His Long Distance Pet said...

Jumpin on the HSN wagon. I'm up!
Get some rest and feel better soon.

figleaf said...

A bit late to the program but I'm finally up! With a public-service announcement, no less, plus an outwardly innocent looking photo.

Happy HNT, Osbasso!


Essin' Em said...

I'm up with a picture from halloween :) HHNT everyone!

Westopher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Westopher said...

First HNT of 2010!

Black & White

his_babydoll said...

I'm uuuuup...and hotter than ever.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I wish I had been able to drive to Nashville for that meet-up! I can't wait to hear more about it!

I'm up. And still so glad to finally be able to comment here & say that!

Oasis said...

I'm up!

I love Arizona this time of year - our high yesterday was 74!

Mike and Amber said...

The mystery guest looks warm but lonely. Our HNT is up too!

MinorityReport said...

I'm glad you had a good time. :)
Happy HNT.

I've been up for a while.

Stealth said...

im up after a long hiatus...

Evening said...

Just checking in and wanted to hear more about your trip. Glad you had a good time.

Faile said...

Our first ever HNT.